Influencer Relations ¦ Duncan Chapple on analyst value
Podcast with Duncan Chapple, Analyst relations COnsultants at SageCircle, and co-director of the Analyst Observatory at the University of Edinburgh Business School.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2011
10 lessons Analyst Relations needs to learn from 2011
Tuesday Nov 29, 2011
Tuesday Nov 29, 2011
The analyst relations community is slowly emerging from a prolonged battering. Budgets have been in short supply and spokespeoples' time has been fought for in many companies. At the same time, AR teams (both in-house and in agencies) have struggled to follow the changes in the analyst industry and in the best practices for influencing sales.
To outline these changes, and to help AR people to reorient for the new year, Lighthouse sponsored a free teleconference on Tuesday November 29.
During the call Lighthouse's managing director, Duncan Chapple, outlined:
- How has recession changed analyst influence?
- Why are the changes at Yankee Group a sign of the shift in the analyst market as a whole?
- How are mergers, acquisitions, affilate schemes and reorganisations accelerating the pace of change?
- Which analyst firms really drive sales?
- What's the best way for AR to relate to influencer relations?
- What strategies best help AR to integrate into marketing as a whole?
- How can vendors use analysts and their research to drive sales?
- What methods for measuring and evaluating analyst relations are most effective?
- Which approach to training, coaching and developing AR teams is best?
- What's the one single thing AR needs to do differently in 2012?

Sunday Jun 19, 2011
Growing analyst M&A reflects both global and industry trends
Sunday Jun 19, 2011
Sunday Jun 19, 2011
Many analyst relations professions might not follow the global trends in equity markets, so Lighthouse organised a discussion between New York City-based advisor Pete Chatziplis from the Transatlantic Business Forum, and Lighthouse director Duncan Chapple. The two MBA graduates both graduated from the University of Manchester in the early 1990s and worked for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in the early 2000s.
Listen to the podcast below, and read more at Analyst Equity.

Friday Jan 28, 2011
Why Analysts Matter
Friday Jan 28, 2011
Friday Jan 28, 2011
In episode one of Telesperience, Teresa Cottam asks Duncan Chapple what analysts are, and why they matter (It's the first interview after the introduction)
What is Telesperience?
Darran Clements
The changing world of analyst relations
Teresa Cottam talks to Duncan Chapple from Lighthouse AR and Gordon Davies from Sun Microsystems
Top tips for better AR
From Duncan Chapple of Lighthouse AR

Friday Jan 28, 2011
Changes in the analyst world
Friday Jan 28, 2011
Friday Jan 28, 2011
Marius Jost speaks with Duncan Chapple about how analyst firms are changing, what what means for the way that end-users 'consume' analyst services. This is part of a series of 'top tends' podcasts Marius made for HFN.

Friday Mar 27, 2009
Ed Gyurko on misunderstandings and tactics with Gartner's Magic Quadrant
Friday Mar 27, 2009
Friday Mar 27, 2009
In the second of two podcasts Ed Gyurko, a European analyst relations guru in the IT services industry, discusses the Gartner Magic Quadrant with Duncan Chapple, founder of Lighthouse Analyst Relations.
In this conversation, Gyurko explains the conversations he had with analysts and AR progessionals while researching the Magic Quadrant for an IIAR white paper. He found that, although the MQ is one of the most famous research documents, there are many misunderstanding about the MQ which prevents companies for working effectively with Gartner.

Friday Mar 27, 2009
Gyurko and Chapple discuss the Gartner Magic Quadrant
Friday Mar 27, 2009
Friday Mar 27, 2009
In this podcast, two founders of the Institute for Industry Analyst Relations discuss the Magic Quadrant, one of the most influential pieces of the business research in any industry. In the first of two conversations, Gyurko explains the role of the Magic Quadrant and its influence. Former analyst Duncan Chapple gives his insight into the issues, reflected in a new white paper from the IIAR.